Friday, July 1, 2016

10 Things to Know about FASD- #5 FASD It is Life long!

Day 19

For those with FASD diagnosis is paramount. For those who grow up with having an FASD and have early diagnosis and intervention we give them a step up and hopefully more resilience and a better future.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is a permanent life-long condition and there is no cure.

Having FASD will not go away!  No not ever!

For those with FASD diagnosis is paramount. For those who grow up with having and FASD and have early diagnosis and intervention we give them a step up and hopefully more resilience and a better future.

Most of my adult children with FASD due to their normal IQ, have had to fail first before getting help.  The only hope for services is when their secondary mental health needs go into crisis.  mental health they use the recovery model.
Recover from FASD?

I have seen that my adult kids do better once services are put in place.  Once the secondary mental health needs get stable, the systems pull back the vary services that led to the stability.  Thus creating a roller coaster of failures.

For the persons with FASD who fall into the developmental disabilities services it is far more understanding.

We need a CATEGORY under the disabilities Silos of support that persons with FASD can find appropriate services without having to find their services after they fail enough to develop secondary mental health and secondary disorders.

FASD does not need to be HOPELESS!


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